Friday, November 02, 2007

What? You don't know what NaBloPoMo is?

Actually we didn't either. Not until I read about it on a fellow blogger's blog. And hopefully it will serve as a little motivation for us to post.

NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month. (Check out this link -- Anyway, the goal is to post every day in the month of November. Yup, that's 30 days straight.

OK, so we already missed the first day of November. (We didn't learn about NaBloPoMo until today). We'll make up for that by posting twice today!

So check back every day to see what's new. And keep us honest.


Anonymous said...

Hee-hee, glad to have you along!

In the old days, we would have talked about such things .. you know, during lunch breaks.

Miss those times, ya know?

Anyway, I'll be checking in, fellow NaBloPomo-er.

Oh, and happy anniversary! (To you and me, that is. It's one year since we agreed to launch blogs together -- and did so the very same day ...)

Neil Sullivan said...

C'mon guys,it is Movember.

Of course, I am doing my part, and Sue is ready to throw me out of the house.